In Chair Zoom™ Whitening

In Chair Zoom Whitening is a cutting-edge tooth whitening technology that leverages the Philips Zoom White Speed LED accelerator to speed up the whitening process, allowing for up to eight shades of improvement in a single session.

The treatment begins with the application of Zoom whitening gel, which works with the Zoom light to penetrate the teeth and break up stains. The gel remains in place for 15 minutes while the light is activated. This process is repeated three times, totaling just 1.5 hours of treatment time.

Overseen by our skilled dental team, the procedure ensures safety and comfort, complemented with post-treatment care which enhances long-lasting whitening results, maintaining your bright and beautiful smile.

Take Home Whitening - SDI Polar Whitening

The SDI Polar Whitening solution allows you to whiten your teeth in the comfort of your home at your own pace.

To begin with, we create a set of custom teeth whitening trays based on your dental impressions. We then provide you with the SDI Polar Whitening kit, which includes custom trays and whitening gels. This specially formulated gel not only aids in whitening your teeth but also significantly reduces tooth sensitivity. As instructed, you will need to wear the trays for a certain period each day, typically for one to two weeks, to see the desired results.

Post Teeth Whitening Care

After teeth whitening treatment, proper care is required to maintain long-lasting results. We recommend you follow the guidelines below:

  • Teeth can be sensitive after whitening, using a toothpaste designed for sensitive teeth is recommended.
  • Avoid acidic food (orange, lemons, juices) until sensitivity has dissipated. 
  • Avoid staining foods and beverages, such as coffee, tea, red wine, grape juice, and strongly coloured foods for at least 48 hours. 
  • No smoking for at least 24 hours after whitening. Smoking cessation is encouraged to keep teeth and gums healthy.
  • Keep practicing good oral hygiene (brushing and flossing) after your whitening application. Schedule regular check-ups with us to maintain your oral health and the brightness of your smile.

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