Impacted wisdom teeth can cause pain, swelling, and damage to adjacent teeth. Even partially-erupted wisdom teeth are at a high risk of decay and gum disease. Removing them early can help avoid unnecessary damage to your healthy smile. Removal is recommended especially if there are cysts, active infections, or limited spacing for the wisdom tooth.

Dr. Tan provides wisdom tooth removal for both simple and difficult cases. As a previous maxillofacial surgeon in China, his years of experience managing complex surgical cases allow us to expedite your care without making separate referrals. Patients who had undergone normal wisdom tooth removal recommend their relatives and friends to see Dr. Tan, not just because of the skill required to have the tooth taken out safely, but also a better healing process with less swelling. Wisdom tooth removal will normally be under local anaesthesia in our clinic. If you require sedation as part of your wisdom tooth extraction, we can arrange to book out a surgical facility with an on-site anaesthetist.

Difficult vertical Impacted wisdom teeth case. Distal impaction of Tooth 38 (lower left)with curve mesial root hiding behind Tooth 37, root tip is close to nerve. Extraction for resolving wisdom teeth gum infection and improving orthodontic treatment retention.

Unerupted wisdom teeth 18 (right upper) and 28 (left upper). Tooth 48 (lower right) with very curved root and is close to nerve. Tooth 38 (bottom left) horizontal impacted with two strong wide open curve roots close to nerve.

Up-side-down deep impacted lower wisdom teeth, causing severe infection at the age of 67. Removed under local anaesthetic in the clinic.

All 4 wisdom teeth with deep impacted upper right-hand side second premolar. Surgical removal all wisdom teeth and impacted second molar under local anaesthetic.

Post-Operative Care

  • Bleeding: Minor oozing is expected post-surgery. Avoid excessive spitting and change the gauze as instructed.
  • Pain Management: Use paracetamol/Nurofen for pain relief if needed. Cold packs can also be helpful.
  • Swelling and Bruising: Swelling typically subsides in 2-3 days, while bruising may take longer.
  • Activity:  Rest for 5 days post-surgery and avoid intense activities for a week.
  • Beverages: Drink plenty of water post-surgery. Avoid alcoholic, caffeinated, or hot drinks for 24 hours and avoid using a straw for a week.
  • Food: Stick to soft foods for the first 24 hours. Avoid hard or spicy foods that might irritate the wound.
  • Cleaning Your Mouth: Avoid brushing, rinsing, or using mouthwash for the first 24 hours. Resume gentle brushing afterwards and rinse with warm salty water regularly.
  • Tobacco Use: Avoid smoking for at least 72 hours and chewing tobacco for a week post-surgery to facilitate healing.

Reducing Your Risk Of Dry Socket

After an adult tooth is extracted, a protective blood clot typically forms in the socket, covering any bone or nerve endings that are exposed. If this clot is missing or becomes dislodged, it can cause severe pain. Sometimes dry socket occurs for reasons outside of your control. However, using alcohol and tobacco during your recovery period may increase the risk of dry socket.

If you feel a lot of pain within days after the extraction, please contact us immediately. We will address the wound to facilitate formation of the blood clot.

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